Have An Itch For Bubble Popping? Octo Pop Can Scratch It For You
Octo Pop ($0.99) by Chicos Interactive is a game of bubble popping that isn’t as simple as you may think. Get extra points for color combinations and use your winnings to upgrade bonuses.
The goal is to pop as many bubbles as possible within a limited amount of time. If the screen fills up with too many of them you lose. Players receive coins for bursting bubbles and extras for color combos. To earn extra coins, tap certain colors in a row. For example, tap four blue bubbles for a double multiplier combo. There are special combos that earn extra points. These are posted at the top of the screen as a reminder. When the specific combo is hit, time slows down for a few seconds and players can pop to their heart's delight.
Levels progress by your movement across a landscape. Once you’ve reached a certain area, you’ve completed a level and move on to something more difficult. Players can use coins they’ve earned to upgrade bonuses that help them beat hard levels. For example, there is a rainbow bonus that adds color to all of the uncolored bubbles.
The game is fairly simple. You could play it while sitting in a trigonometry lecture and still understand the math, assuming you could understand it in the first place. The challenge is in matching the special combo colors. Waiting for the right bubble to show up could be your ultimate demise.
Overall, this game is entertaining, but not particularly engaging. It is fun, but the replay value isn’t very high. I could see this being a game that you’d pick up when you are waiting for your laundry to be finished, but not something you’d tell your friends about. It is only $0.99, so you won’t be out of pocket too much if you decide to try it.