Quirky App Of The Day: Jedi Name
by Kathryn Zane
March 5, 2012
We here at AppAdvice pride ourselves on being well-rounded sensible people. We come from all over the world, and we have various backgrounds and interests. Our common interests don't just cover apps and Apple products. Every so often, something yanks the geek out of all of us with startling force. Some might even say it's the Jedi Force. Today, the geek was brought out by the simple act of determining a Jedi Name.
The app is advertised as being for those who play fantasy Star Wars games. I don't know where these games exist, but I have got to find out. My fellow app writers and other friends were actually interested in it just for the sake of knowing. You enter information like your first and last name, your city, and your mother's maiden name. After entering all that information, just push the button labeled, "Use the force" for your Jedi name. Since the button says to use the force, I have to assume it's a legitimate way to call upon the force.
The closest I come to using the force is opening automatic doors with the wave of my hand. It doesn't stop me from playing with fluorescent light bulbs in hardware stores or insisting that those are not the droids that you're looking for. When I saw the chance to find out what my Jedi name is, the geek in me squealed with happiness.
Jedi Name is an iPhone app available in the App Store for the awesome price of FREE!