Too busy to workout? On today's AppAdvice Daily's App-It-Tight special we are focusing on five minute workout apps. They aren't going to turn you into Miss America, but they will help tighten up target areas on those days when you can't make it to the gym.
Five Minute Workout Apps
Talk about five minute abs, Ab Workouts Free+ is obviously a free download, but we highly suggest you grab the $0.99 in app purchase to unlock all its glory. The app will take your abs to their burning point with the help of video instruction. The videos not only show and tell you how to do each exercise, but they also show which muscles you are using.
After toning up your abs, move onto your lower half with Butt Workouts Pro. There are tons of exercises to choose from, and they even have hand crafted workouts that will take a series of exercises and turn them into a circuit to burn your booty into shape. Butt Workouts also has a
free version that has less exercises. Try it out first to make sure you can handle the pro version.
Let's stop being so serious and turn one of the hardest exercises into a game.
Push-Ups Dojo does just that. It turns your iDevice into a counting guide. As you go down for each push up, tap your device with your nose breaking the brick, pottery, or egg in half. When you're done it will tell you how many you did, and you can even share your success on Twitter.
Finally, we wrap up the show with YouTube. You can access it from almost anywhere and quickly find literally tons of free five minute workout videos. And if you have an iDevice it conveniently comes preinstalled.
Make sure to watch the video and watch Robin rock the routines. What are some of your favorite quick workout apps? We'll be back next week with another installment of App-It-Tight, and remember if you have any suggestions for a new name, we're anxious to hear them! Contact Robin on Twitter