Brighten Up Your Day With Dark Sky
April 17, 2012
There are many thousands of apps in the App Store, with many more joining them every day. With so many apps available it is now extremely hard to create something that has not been done before, sometimes many time over. Since revolution is near impossible, developers need to try evolution. Dark Sky ($5.99), from Jackadam, has attempted just that.
Multiple weather applications exist on the App Store. Dark Sky, however, has taken the basic principle of displaying weather information to the next level. The app has seen the light of day thanks, once again, to support from the Kickstarter community. The following video, originally released to support the project, provides a great background to Dark Sky:
If you cannot view the embedded video above, it is also available by clicking here.
Through the use of GPS, Dark Sky is able to create advanced forecasts based on your precise location. The app focuses on the next hour, so you receive minute to minute predictions.
Dark Sky presents the weather information it creates with a stunning radar animation. Jackadam claims this software creates "... the world’s first perfectly smooth radar animation." That is a bold claim, though it certainly looks great.
The hourly weather information may not be ideal for those that are hoping to plan a full day's activities based on the provided information. If you are planning a quick game of soccer or another short outdoor activity, however, the app is just perfect.
Dark Sky certainly looks and performs well for an initial release, though there are a few small limitations. It is important to note that, so far, Dark Sky only supports the continental United States. Support for Hawaii and Alaska are confirmed to be in the works. No information has been shared regarding international support as of yet.
Dark Sky has hit the App Store like a streak of lightning. Any future weather apps will certainly have a lot to live up to after this one.