Get Your Photos Printed Onto Shirts Using InstaShirt
by Tommy Ly
April 4, 2012
A picture is worth a thousand words, or $19.99 on a T-shirt from Instashirt (free).
Instashirt is a new service that allows you to have a T-shirt made with any photo on your iPhone. Just download the free app and choose a photo from your camera roll (or take a new one). You can then decide the quantity of shirts you'd like, the shirt color (black or white), and the specific size for your gender. You can pay with either PayPal or a credit card. All shirts from InstaShirt are printed on high quality American Apparel brand T-shirts and they are shipped for free to anywhere in the United States.
If you want to have multiple shirts made with different photos, you'll have to make separate orders for each design. It looks like you can only have multiple shirts made to order if they use the same picture. Hopefully a fix will be made in the future. Regardless of that minor issue, InstaShirt looks like a simple way to have a special shirt made. Maybe you need a few shirts made for your kid's soccer team, or perhaps you just want to show off your cat. Whatever the reason, and whatever the photo, InstaShirt will print it for you.
InstaShirt is free in the App Store, and each shirt you order will set you back $19.99.