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Panic Is Advised In Bomb Panic HD

Panic Is Advised In Bomb Panic HD

April 10, 2012
Bomb Panic HD by Orangenose Studios icon

Bomb Panic HD (Free) by Orangenose Studios takes Whac-A-Mole type apps to an explosive new level. Instead of annoying critters (or zombies, in the case of the Undertaker app) you have bombs popping up in your face.

What’s worse is that these bombs aren’t very patient. Tap them quickly to get rid of them.

The bombs will pop up in any of the nine squares. Act quickly to bop them, or they’ll blow up. Explosions don’t mean the end of the game until you lose all three of your lives. The game starts you off with simple bombs, but more advanced ones are just around the corner.

Bomb Panic HD by Orangenose Studios screenshot

With a total of 15 unique bomb types, you’re sure to be kept on your toes.

You have some help in the form of weapons that can be activated any time during the game. Shields provide an extra layer of defense (if used at the right time), and the freezer will temporarily put a hold on all bombs.

The freezer will also negate any of the special bombs, meaning you can treat those as if they were just normal ones.

Once you get into this game, it’s quite fun to see how long you can go with making combos. A combo basically happens if you tap multiple bombs without any of them hurting you or if you tap an open square (those will hurt you, too).

Toward the end of the round, a “Panic Time” message will show, which signals the final wave of attacking bombs. As soon as you clear one square, it’s filled again, so you’ll need to act as fast as you can.

One warning about this app, though, is that it crashes like a fiend. Force quitting, restarting the iPad, and closing out other running apps are three of the different choices you can choose for getting back in the game.

Sadly, I found restarting the iPad to be the best fix.

This is actually a lite version of the game, with the unlocked version coming in at $0.99. While this is by far the best Whac-A-Mole type app I’ve seen, it’s also one of the most frequently crashing ones.

I say have fun playing it and then move on with your life when you run out of free content. Or wait until the developer offers it free for a limited time.

Mentioned apps

Bomb Panic HD
Bomb Panic HD
Orangenose Studios
Promineo Studios