Need To Book A Flight Out Of Town, Fast? FlightHero Has What You Need

FlightHero: Worldwide and local Flight Status Tracking with Airports Delays and Weather data for Airline flights ($4.99) by Ildar Khanov is an aggregator for the iPad or iPhone/iPod touch that allows you to find, track and share details on thousands of flights across the Nation. If you want to know whether Aunt Gertrude’s flight is on time, this app will tell you.

This utility app offers arrival and departure information for more than 1,500 airlines across the U.S., most of which are commercial airlines. Users have access to information on specific airlines, airports, geographical destinations, and flight numbers. You can even find out the type of plane you’ll be on and how many miles the flight is. Basically, there is nothing you can’t find out about most commercial flights within the U.S.
The information processed in this app comes from FlightStats.com, a status website full of information about U.S. flights. It is basically an optimized version of the website.
There is a whole lot of information available in this app. If you are hoping to fly from Los Angeles to Chicago, but don’t know what is available, you can search for airports based on cities and then narrow by dates. If you want to see where United Airlines flies, you can search for that specific airline. If you want to know how long a flight from Phoenix, Arizona to Boise, Idaho would take, you can enter flight route information and even see what the path will look like on a map. While arrival and departure information is abundant, it is not a flight-booking app. There is no information about ticket prices or links to any airlines’ booking websites.
The search engine lags significantly and there are times when searching for a city won’t work properly. For example, if you type in San Francisco, the San Francisco International Airport (the city’s commercial airport) doesn’t show up because it is listed in the search engine as SFO Int’l. As you start typing the city’s name, it does show up, but once you get past the “F” it disappears.
Although I can see this as being very useful for people who travel a lot, it is too expensive. For five bucks, you get an app with information that can be accessed for free on FlightStats.com. It is odd that the company would charge such a premium price for something they offer for free. This app does what it says it will, and does it well. However, at $4.99 it costs too much.
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