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AppAdvice Daily: What The GetGlue

AppAdvice Daily: What The GetGlue

May 1, 2012
It's time for another edition in our What The _______ series and today we're looking at What The GetGlue. It's a great service that's been around forever, but not everyone uses it. Why? Because not everyone knows how. So on today's AppAdvice Daily, we are breaking down GetGlue. We're going to talk about everything from what it is, where you can access it, how to check in, get stickers, share your likes, and read and write reviews. GetGlue is an amazing forum for like-minded people to get together, interactively at least, and talk about the things they care about. Like books, TV shows, movies and more. Watch the show to see why GetGlue will likely be your next favorite social network.

Mentioned apps

GetGlue for iPad
GetGlue for iPad

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