Developer Creates A Musical Instrument Specifically For The iPad
by Lory Gil
May 2, 2012
Since the App Store came into existence, developers have been coming up with musical instruments that can be virtually played on the iPhone and iPad. You can play anything from pianos that sound like cats to guitars that sound like the real thing. But what about a musical instrument that doesn’t sound like any real instrument, but was created specifically for the iPad? Sebastian Trump has done just that with Orphion.
It’s hard to express what sound Orphion makes considering it is entirely computer created. However, it can best be described as a mix between Yamaha’s digital musical instrument, TENORI-ON, the sound made when running your finger around a wine glass and a drum machine.
Before getting started with this app, it is important to turn off Multitasking Gestures in your iPad’s settings under General. If you don’t, you’ll accidently close the app every time you mistakenly pinch with four or five fingers.
There are 12 different layouts with significantly different tonal structures in each one. For example, the blues scale layout has seven circles, each with a note scale that is common in blues music. Users can change the scale’s tone by tapping the “flat” or “sharp” icons at the bottom of the screen to make the scale a pitch higher or lower.
Each circle makes a variety of sounds when touched. If you rest your finger lightly in the center of it, you will hear a soft, sustaining note. If you tap it, especially with your thumb, the sound is sharp like a drum tap. You can alter the note’s quality by rotating around the circle’s edge or moving your finger around inside the parameter.
This is more than just a musical instrument, it is a learning experience for musicians and a great way for non-musicians to create something without needing to understand musical notation. The notes are listed inside each circle on the screen, but they can also be hidden if you don’t want to worry about the semantics.
I wouldn’t say you could write a structured song with this app. It is more like a way to create interesting sound combinations that work great with a science fiction movie’s sound track.
The app is $4.99, which is pretty expensive. However, it is MIDI out compatible so experienced digital musicians can really turn it into an interactive performance. If you are a seasoned vet when it comes to MIDI instruments, you’ll want to add Orphion to your musical arsenal.
Check out the video for a demonstration of what this app can do. If you don’t see the video, click here for a direct link to the Vimeo page.