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Apple Announces iOS 6.0

Apple Announces iOS 6.0

June 11, 2012
As anticipated today at WWDC, Apple VP Scott Forstall announced the next version of Apple's revolutionary mobile operating system with iOS 6.  We will update you with details as they are announced, etc. Quotes:
Almost all of our users are running iOS 5... now if you compare that to the competition. They released a dairy product, 4.0, about the same time as we released iOS 5. About 7% of their users are running it. Since we introduced Notification Center, 81% of apps are using it. Next is iMessage. A 140m users. More than a 150b messages. Next is Twitter. We integrated Twitter directly into iOS 5. They've seen a 3X growth increase on iOS. The first thing that Siri has learned in 8 months is all about sports. 'What was the score of the last Giants game? We've partnered with OpenTable — I can tap here to make reservations.

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