Jailbreak Only: FacebookThis Brings Facebook Photo Sharing To iOS 5
by Tommy Ly
June 10, 2012
Will systemwide Facebook integration be announced as an iOS 6 feature at WWDC tomorrow? While the move wouldn't be surprising, jailbreakers will be left out of the fun for the time being. Although the jailbreak community is ready for iOS 6, it will still take some time before a public jailbreak is available. Until then, a new tweak called FacebookThis can be used to bring Facebook photo sharing integration to iOS 5.
Of course, FacebookThis only brings one of the potential Facebook-focused features of iOS 6 to your jailbroken iDevice, but it's better than nothing. Once installed, Facebook will be added to your list of sharing options when viewing photos from your camera library. If you'd like, you can also say something about your photo before posting it to Facebook. The first time you try to share a photo with FacebookThis, you'll need to enter your Facebook login credentials.
The folks over at iDownloadBlog have made this video showing FacebookThis in action:
FacebookThis gives some level of Facebook integration to iOS 5. It may not be at the level we can expect to see in iOS 6, it may be enough to hold some jail breakers over until an iOS 6 jailbreak arrives.
Until then, be sure to stop by tomorrow for our live coverage of WWDC!
Source: iDownloadBlog