Jailbreak Only: MountainLionCenter Brings OS X Inspired Notification Center To iPad
by Tommy Ly
June 6, 2012
It's no secret that Apple aims to blur the line between OS X and iOS. One iOS feature that will make its way into the upcoming OS X Mountain Lion is Notification Center. On Mountain Lion, the Notification Center will appear from the right side of your screen, rather than the top like in iOS. According to iDownloadBlog, one developer has brought Mountain Lion's Notification Center to iPad.
MountainLionCenter is a new tweak that brings Mountain Lion's Notification Center to your iPad. Using a two finger swipe from the far right side of your iPad, the Notification Center pushes your entire screen to the side. This works in both portrait and landscape orientations. The best part is, you can still work with the Notification Center open.
Jeff at iDownloadBlog posted this video of the tweak in action:
After a few minutes with the tweak, I already prefer it to the original Notification Center. On the iPhone, the Notification Center commandeers your entire screen, but on the iPad, it's just sort of ... there. New notification banners don't even take up the entire width of the screen, and the Notification Center just wastes the iPad's large screen with that small interface and limited information.
If you'd like to give MountainLionCenter a try, it's available for free in Cydia's BigBoss repo. It should be noted that the tweak also works for iPhone, but it doesn't provide anywhere near the same amount of satisfaction as it does on the iPad.
Source: iDownloadBlog