Mobile Safari Gets New Features
by Tommy Ly
June 11, 2012
While the only notable changes to mobile Safari on iOS 5 were Reading List, Reader, and tabbed browsing (iPad only), iOS 6 brings some bigger changes.
Onstage at WWDC, new features of mobile Safari have been revealed, which include iCloud tabs, Offline Reading List, fullscreen support for the iPhone and iPod touch, and the ability to upload photos right from Safari to your favorite websites.
With iCloud tabs, you can start Web browsing on your Mac, then pick up right where you left off on one of your iDevices. Of course, it works the other way around, too. Offline Reading List can now save full Web pages, rather than just links, for offline reading.
Another new feature is "smart app banners," which essentially syncs Web and app activity. Scott Forstall says smart app banners "make it easy to tell on your website that you have a native app in the App Store."
These changes aren't breathtaking, but they do make mobile Safari a bit more useful. The iCloud tab syncing is the only feature I was hoping for.
Are there any features you would have liked for Safari on iOS?