Need A Bluetooth Switcher? Get It Now While The Getting's Good
June 9, 2012
This is ridiculous.
For the third time in just over a month, Apple's allowed an expressly forbidden Bluetooth app to sneak past its obviously negligent approvals staff. Called Bluetooth ©, this one, just like that one (and that other one), does little more than provide a Home screen toggle for your iDevice's Bluetooth settings. But, of course, it does that like a champ, and for folks who've been clamoring for this kind of shortcut, a dollar spent is a dollar well spent.
However, if you want Bluetooth ©, you'd better act fast. Once Apple figures out that they've screwed the pooch again, the company's sure to pull the app just like it's done so many times before.
I'm not a fan of Apple's apparent "approve first, reject later" approach, but -- if you like the idea of a switch-filled Home screen for your iDevice -- it's probably for the best.
Who knows, maybe iOS 6 will actually embrace this kind of thing...
(Big ups to Jeff for the tip!)