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Give HiTask A Try For A Chance To Win A $10 iTunes Gift Card

Give HiTask A Try For A Chance To Win A $10 iTunes Gift Card

September 26, 2012
AppAdvice has teamed up with human > computer, our latest AppAdvice Daily podcast sponsor, in order to offer you a chance to win one of three $10 iTunes Gift Cards. To get your name put into the hat, all you have to do is take human > computer's fantastic and completely free productivity app, HiTask, for a test run and tell us what you think in the comments section below. HiTask is a task management, to-do list, and project management app that can be as basic or as complex as you need it to be. The app is simple enough for individuals who just need to keep track of daily tasks, and powerful enough for business professionals who need to organize projects and assign tasks among their team.
"We set out a goal to design the best looking app that is easy to use" says HiTask founder and CEO Roman Roan. "Task management doesn't have to be boring and bland.  It doesn't have to be convoluted or artsy, or difficult to navigate. With HiTask app we achieved simplicity while retaining access to all the advanced features."
Before you're able to begin managing your life, you must first sign up for a free HiTask account. This allows you to create and manage your tasks from any mobile device, browser, or operating system. Once you're logged in, you can immediately start creating tasks, events, and notes. Tasks and events can include a title, description, due date, priority level, and color label, while notes can only include a title, description, and color label. All three options can be kept private or you can assign them to a team member. HiTask features a hierarchical management system, so the most important items will always be listed first. The main list view allows you to quickly comment on, assign, delete, or add an item to a task just by tapping on one. The app also includes a calendar view, a team view for looking over tasks assigned to specific members of your group, and a project view to help you keep your tasks organized. Everything described above is available for free in HiTask, but you can upgrade the service to allow for even more functionality. HiTask's premium option ($6/month) bumps your project limit up from 10 to unlimited, allows you to store up to 1 GB of data instead of 50 MB, and provides you with phone support. The business option ($23/month) allows you to share tasks instead of just assigning them, allows you to store up to 2.5 GB of data, and provides you with training. So what are you waiting for? Take HiTask for a spin and get your tasks in order, and then let us know what you think in the comments section below for a chance to win a $10 iTunes Gift Card! Only one entry per person is allowed. Entries must be received before 11:59 p.m. PDT tonight (September 26).  This giveaway is only open to our readers with U.S. iTunes accounts. Good luck!

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