Quirky App Of The Day: ABSmatic Brings The Abs Without The Pain
by Kathryn Zane
September 23, 2012
There are some crazy inventions out there for better abs. Just stay up until midnight over the weekend and watch the informercials. They all promise the same thing: massive abs for minimal work. ABSmatic takes it a step further. You don't have to do any work. Period. The app does the work for you.
Simply take a picture of your abs. The app gives you the option to choose between male and female abs. To be honest, I didn't see too much difference between the two. Each gender offers about a dozen different styles of abs that you can put over your own.
Double tap on the set of abs you want. The app will give you a clear window with the picture of the desired abs on it. Tap and drag the blue outlined window over your picture to where you want your brand new figure.
You can control how opaque the imposed images are, and you can pinch to rotate the image to fit it over your own abs. I used the navel as a marker to make sure that I had everything lined up properly. Once you have everything just right, you can use the eraser feature to remove any excess from the image. Et voila! A fresh set of abs.
All I can think of is the scene from the movie "Meet The Spartans," where they start spray-painting a six pack on all of the warriors. I think we've come to that point with this app.
You can save your new abs to your camera roll or share your results with your friends on Twitter or Facebook. Why wouldn't you want to show your friends how they too can get abs like yours in about three minutes?
In addition to creating an app that renders the need to exercise obsolete, there's a commercial that the app developers created. It's definitely in the style of those ridiculous early morning infomercials.
ABSmatic is available in the App Store for $0.99.