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Give Buncee Bits A Try For A Chance To Win A $10 iTunes Gift Card

Give Buncee Bits A Try For A Chance To Win A $10 iTunes Gift Card

November 14, 2012
AppAdvice has teamed up with Buncee, our latest AppAdvice Daily podcast sponsor, in order to offer you a chance to win a $10 iTunes Gift Card. We're giving away gift cards to three lucky readers to celebrate the latest update to Buncee's fun and free universal photo app, Buncee Bits. When you really need to express yourself and simple text just can’t get the job done, there is Buncee Bits. It allows you to create personalized graphics in a snap, and deliver them directly to your recipient or share them with the world. The first step is to choose from the many different background templates that suit a variety of occasions, or you can import a photo from your library or snap a new one from within the app. If you do choose to import or snap a photo, you have the opportunity to scale it and add one of nine filters. You can also add one of the many included frames, which range in style from basic colors to festive themes. The next step in the creation process is adding text to your graphic. Buncee Bits includes 12 different fonts to choose from, which can be decked out in any color. You can also increase or decrease your text size, and place it anywhere on the screen by tapping and dragging. At this point, you’re able to further customize your graphic with a little doodle. Buncee Bits’ drawing tools include an eraser, the ability to adjust the size of your pencil, and the ability to create different colors by dragging red, green, and blue sliders. What really makes Buncee Bits great, however, is the ease and speed at which you can go from nothing at all to sharing your final product. You can share any of the graphics saved in your Buncee Bits library via Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, MMS, and email in mere moments. You can also copy graphics to your clipboard and bring them into a different app, or save them to your photo library and do whatever you want with them. To have a chance at winning one of our three $10 iTunes Gift Cards, simply leave a comment below before 11:59 p.m. PST tonight (November 14) telling us how you plan to utilize Buncee Bits. Will you use it to send birthday wishes? Custom holiday cards? Positive thoughts to a friend? Anything goes, just as long as you promise to follow through with your message! Winners will be chosen randomly and contacted via email. Only one entry per person is allowed. This giveaway is only open to our readers with U.S. iTunes accounts.

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buncee bits
buncee bits
Buncee LLC

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