The iShopps App Lets Shoppers And Retailers Promote Their Favorite Styles
November 28, 2012
The iShopps app recently arrived in the App Store. It provides a showcase where users can tell their friends about what they have bought, and what they want in the future.
Available for iPhone, the app isn’t just for shoppers. It is also for retailers who want to promote their wares. Best of all, the entire experience is free.
Features include:
Features for Retailers:
- take pictures and tape video
- share information and geotags
- share items on Facebook
- look at pictures taken all over the world by other users in real time
- update the image of the user profile
- write a short description of the user
- comment on shared pictures
- look for people, shops and items
- invite your friends
- choose the currency
- get points to increase your popularity
- choose and view your favorite brands.
- view the news in order to find new friends, new shops and new products.
- enlarge pictures to view products details
Download iShopps in the App Store.
- show products on sale with price /tag / description
- show products on offer with tag /old price / new price/discount percentage / offer expiring date
- share pictures of shop windows and shop’s interiors
- show brands that are sold inside the store
- view shop’s fans
- show opening hours and closing days and extraordinary openings
- share contact info: website, telephone, e-mail
- show products categories
- write a short description of the store
- view the store on the map