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Happy Holidays And A Happy New Year From The AppAdvice Team

Happy Holidays And A Happy New Year From The AppAdvice Team

December 25, 2012

We don’t always get a chance to reach out to our loyal readers, but the holidays seem like the perfect time. We just wanted to say thanks. Thanks for being a part of our family this year; we can’t wait to see what 2013 brings!

We’ve hooked you up with the best gadget-y gifts this season, and we’re even helping you survive this hectic season with our holiday AppGuides and AppLists. Just be sure to keep an eye out for our BEST OF app lists later this week, as well, as we look back on what a great year for apps 2012 really was.

So, fire up that fireplace app, bake some cookies, and don’t forget to put down the iDevice for some quality time with your loved ones.

Wishing you and yours a very happy holiday season and an even better new year in 2013! We’ll keep bringing you the best news, reviews, and giveaways — you just keep reading.

From our Internet home to yours,

Appy Holidays!

—The AppAdvice Team

Mentioned apps

AppStart for iPhone
AppStart for iPhone
AppStart for iPad (2012 Edition)
AppStart for iPad (2012 Edition)

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