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Take Rondo For A Spin For A Chance To Win A $10 iTunes Gift Card

Take Rondo For A Spin For A Chance To Win A $10 iTunes Gift Card

February 5, 2013
AppAdvice has teamed up with Dysonics, our latest AppAdvice Daily podcast sponsor, in order to offer you a chance to win a $10 iTunes Gift Card just for trying Rondo (Free) for iPhone and iPod touch. Rondo is a powerful music player with the ability to completely change the way your music sounds through your headphones. It leverages Dysonics' patented audio technology, which is based on 15 years of research, to  bring quality, depth, and realism to your favorite tunes. You're able to play any song from your library, even those with DRM or those stored in iCloud. Just keep in mind that DRM and iCloud songs can not utilize Rondo's audio enhancement technology. All of your music is broken down by category, much like the built-in Music player, so you shouldn't have any problem finding just what you're looking for. Your music is enhanced the moment you hit play, but you can tweak it a little to get the sound you want. The three rings in the middle of the screen represent different audio settings, with the innermost creating an intimate listening space and the outermost creating an increased audio space. Just tap on the rings to choose them. The app also includes four different color schemes to choose from, the ability to share your music via Facebook or Twitter, and a high quality audio setting. Rondo is designed for headphones, so go grab a set and start listening to your favorite music in a whole new way! To have a chance at randomly winning one of our three $10 gift cards, download Rondo, give it a test run, and then let us know what you think in the comments section below. Entries must be received before Feb. 5 at 11:59 p.m. PST. Only one entry per person is allowed, and are limited to those with United States iTunes Store accounts. Remember to also check your junk email box when the giveaway is over!

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Rondo Player
Rondo Player

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