The iOS 6 Untethered Jailbreak Is Almost Here
by Dom Esposito
February 3, 2013
If you haven't been keeping up on our jailbreak updates, an iOS 6 untethered jailbreak is on the horizon. The Evad3rs have been hard at work getting the jailbreak tool ready for the public and extensive beta testing is almost complete.
What does this mean for you? The best thing you can do is make sure your device is ready for the release.
As suggested by the Evasi0n website:
Currently, the Evasi0n website shows that the iOS 6 jailbreak tool is 85 percent compete. At this point, a release could happen at any moment so make sure your devices are ready. As always, be sure to stay tuned for our official video walkthrough of the entire process. Source: iDownloadBlog
- Backup your iOS device using iTunes or iCloud before using evasi0n. This way you are sure to never lose any data if something wrong happens.
- Please disable the lock passcode of your iOS device before using evasi0n. It can cause issues.
- Be patient while the jailbreaking process is running, don't start iTunes or Xcode in the meanwhile. The best is to not touch the computer until the end of the jailbreaking process.