Check The Weather With Breathe For A Chance To Win A $10 iTunes Gift Card
April 17, 2013
AppAdvice has teamed up with BHB Ravens, our latest AppAdvice Daily podcast sponsor, in order to offer you a chance to win a $10 iTunes Gift Card just for trying out their slick weather app for iPad, Breathe+ (Free).
Unlike most weather apps, Breathe+ doesn't just throw copious amounts of data at you and expect you to digest it all at once. Instead, its streamlined interface allows you to get a quick look at only what you want and need.
The app's main display presents you with the current time and the conditions outside, so you'll instantly know whether you need a rain coat or sunglasses before heading out. Weather conditions include the current temperature, humidity level, wind speed and direction, visibility, and highs and lows for the day. The app's multiple weather related icons aren't just eye candy either, as they actually represent whatever the data is telling them.
If you're in need of a more detailed breakdown of the day ahead, you can just tap on the analog clock. You'll then be presented with a brand new set of data, which includes things like the UV index, dew point, wind chill, and chances of precipitation. Drag your finger around the outer edge of the clock to receive new hourly data to help you plan your day.
Breathe+ is powered by Weather Underground, so you can rest assured its data is timely and accurate. It also includes an animated satellite map, weather alerts, sunrise and sunset data, moon phase and age data, and imperial and metric unit support.
If you'd like to add more than one location or get a nine-day hourly forecast, you're going to have to cough up some cash. But don't worry, that's why we're giving away iTunes Gift Cards!
To have a chance at randomly winning one of our three $10 gift cards, just download Breathe+ and let us know what you think in the comments section below. All entries must be received before Apr. 17 at 11:59 p.m. PDT. Only one entry per person is allowed, and are limited to those with United States iTunes Store accounts. Remember to also check your junk email box when the giveaway is over!