First Airing TV Countdown Wants To Become Your New TV Guide For iPhone
October 24, 2013
There is a new app to help keep track of your favorite television shows. First Airing TV Countdown is available now for the iPhone/iPod touch.
The freemium app visually countdowns to when the next episode of your favorite television shows air. It includes a minimalistic interface that looks right at home with Apple’s iOS 7.
Full features include:
Take a look: At launch, First Airing TV Countdown tracks television shows originating from the United States, United Kingdom, and Australia. Other countries will be added in the future. First Airing TV Countdown is free to download. However, it will only save content through a $0.99 in-app purchase. You can download it here.
- It's easy to use: Swipe left or right to flip between shows.
- Beautiful full screen posters of your favorite TV shows.
- Simple countdown timer that counts down to the second your show starts.
- Add shows through the simple search function.
- Pull up to see more episodes for a TV show.
- Purchase added functionality to save favorite TV shows between uses.
- TV shows ordered by the time; shows closer to air will be on the left, shows further into the future will be on the right.
- More features will be added soon!