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Tapbots Unveils A New Nighttime Theme For The Tweetbot 3 For iPhone App

Tapbots Unveils A New Nighttime Theme For The Tweetbot 3 For iPhone App

November 27, 2013
Tapbots has unveiled a new update for the company’s Tweetbot 3 for Twitter (iPhone & iPod touch) app. Version 3.2 includes a number of new features, including a new theme. For the first time, the third-generation Tweetbot app includes a night theme. This theme can be installed manually, or configured to activate automatically based on the display brightness. You can also change the app’s theme via a hidden gesture. To do so, swipe up and down with two fingers to toggle between the light and dark theme. Other new features include:
  • Quicker Account Switching. Hold down on the account switch avatar, drag and release…or swipe left across the navbar to go to the next account.
  • Account Reordering. Hold down on an avatar in the account select view, then drag and drop.
  • Added long hold on the favorite button to fav from another account
  • Various bug fixes
Tweetbot 3.0 arrived in October. It replaced Tweetbot 2, which remains in the App Store. The Tweetbot 3 for Twitter (iPhone & iPod touch) app is available for $2.99.

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Tweetbot 3 for Twitter (iPhone & iPod touch)
Tweetbot 3 for Twitter (iPhone & iPod touch)
Tweetbot 2 (iPhone & iPod touch)
Tweetbot 2 (iPhone & iPod touch)

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