How To Track Santa’s Journey This Christmas Eve
December 24, 2013
Santa’s trip from the North Pole to the homes of good boys and girls everywhere has begun. To track the Jolly Fat Man’s journey on your iOS device, be sure to check out one of the following:
The NORAD Tracks Santa app is the official mobile app of the NORAD Tracks Santa program. Don't want to download the free app? Visit the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD)'s Santa Tracker. The tracker works through mobile Safari on the iPhone/iPod touch and iPad.Santa GPS 2.0 for iPad
Available for $2.99, the fun app was carefully prepared by Santa’s special team of elves at Fission Media. In addition to helping track Saint Nicholas, the app gives you the latest North Pole news and toy production information from Elf Willy Wiggins, Santa’s personal publicist. Santa GPS 2.0 for iPad is available in the App Store. The $1.99 Santa GPS app for the iPhone/iPod touch is also available.Star Walk
Long popular with iPad owners, Star Walk isn't just useful to track Santa's progress, but also beneficial the rest of the year.Star Walk is available for $2.99. What are you waiting for? Go track Santa.
- A recent update added the following:
- It is likely that ISON is not going to be the comet of the century. Nevertheless, we decided not to remove it from the app.
- You can now turn on Picture caching in the Star Walk Settings. When caching is ON it will download the content only once and store it on your device. However when caching is OFF it will save you some space on your device.
- Minor adjustments in texts and tables in Info to make them more readable.
- Chinese localization improved.