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The iPad Air Was The Top Selling Apple Tablet During The Holiday Quarter

The iPad Air Was The Top Selling Apple Tablet During The Holiday Quarter

January 21, 2014
In the December quarter, the iPad Air was the best selling Apple tablet in the United States. The original iPad mini followed, with the iPad mini with Retina display coming in third, according to data released by Consumer Intelligence Research Partners (CIRP). From October through December, the iPad Air accounted for 41 percent of total iPad sales. The 9.7-inch tablet easily bested the iPad mini (25 percent), and iPad mini with Retina Display (16 percent). The discontinued iPad with Retina display accounted for 13 percent of sales. This was followed by the iPad 2 with 5 percent. Combined, the iPad Mini line was able to match sales of the iPad Air. Overall, however, larger iPads continued to lead, 59 percent to 41 percent. The iPad Air and iPad mini with Retina display were both announced on Oct. 22. The latter remained in short supply throughout the quarter, however. This could mean that going forward, iPad mini sales could overtake those for the full size iPad. Apple will announce the financial results of its first fiscal quarter on Monday, Jan. 27. At that time, the company will announce overall iPhone and iPad sales for the important holiday quarter. CIRP's data is based on a survey of 500 U.S. Apple customers. See also: How High Did iPhone Sales Go During The Holiday Quarter?

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