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AppAdvice Daily: Cross Platform Photo Sharing And A Giveaway

AppAdvice Daily: Cross Platform Photo Sharing And A Giveaway

February 25, 2014
The best way to share lots of photos is by using Photo Stream, but what if you want to share images with people who don't have access to an iOS device? On today's AppAdvice Daily we are solving that problem by using the app, BlendIt - Connect. Blend. Share. It's a cross platform photo and video sharing app with lots of great features. After you get all of your photos from BlendIt, there are sure to be a few that need a little touching up. That's where our second app, and sponsor this week, FacePlus comes in. FacePlus is a fantastic new app that will help you look your best in every photo. Thanks to the developers behind FacePlus, we are giving away five free downloads. To enter follow AppAdvice on Twitter, and tweet:
I've entered to win a free copy of FacePlus, and you can too! #faceplusgiveaway
Good Luck!

Mentioned apps

BlendIt - Connect. Blend. Share.
BlendIt - Connect. Blend. Share.
CitizenGlobal, Inc.
Itseez, Inc.