Have An 'Apple iCup' Of Joe On Steve Jobs' Birthday
February 24, 2014
Had he lived, Steve Jobs would have turned 59 today. We could raise a good glass of wine in Jobs’ honor, or one of those health drinks the Apple co-founder liked. Or we could have an “Apple iCup” filled with our favorite coffee.
The Apple iCup is a mug shaped like the Apple logo that plugs into a MacBook to keep your drink warm. It comes with a matching stirring spoon and saucer, and has been struck in white and black.
Sadly, this isn’t a real product. Instead, it’s a concept designed by Tomislav Zvonarić.
Take a look:
As one of my co-workers said (thanks for the tip, Karen), this is one product iWant. Unfortunately, we probably won't be seeing the Apple iCup at our local coffee shop anytime soon.
Apple would never approve something like this, right?
Jobs was born on Feb. 24, 1955. He died in October 2011 at the age of 56. In 2015, the late Apple CEO will be commemorated with a U.S. postage stamp.
Via: Foodbeast