New Photo Shows Demolition Work At The Site Of Apple's New 'Spaceship' Campus
February 20, 2014
Demolition on the site where Apple’s planned Campus 2 will be built is well under way. The site of Apple’s new “spaceship” campus is being cleared ahead of construction, as an Instagram photo from KCBS reporter Ron Cervi shows. Work began in December, but this is the first time we've seen it from the air.
Campus 2 was finally approved by Cupertino, Calif. city officials last November. It was originally proposed by Steve Jobs just months before he died in October 2011.
The new campus will feature a 120,000 square foot auditorium, and will be used to host Cupertino’s annual media events. It has been designed to take advantage of renewable, environmentally-friendly energy sources, and 70 percent of its energy will be taken from solar and fuel cells.
The first phase of Campus 2’s construction should be completed in 2016.
Via: 9to5Mac