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Blizzard's Hearthstone: Heroes Of Warcraft Starts Rolling Out On The iPad

Blizzard's Hearthstone: Heroes Of Warcraft Starts Rolling Out On The iPad

April 2, 2014
Behold, the might of Stormwind! That’s right, folks. Blizzard’s Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft card game, recently available for Mac and PC, is slowly making its way into the App Store today. Although not quite in the U.S. store, you can download Hearthstone for iPad in the Canadian App Store as well as in New Zealand and Australia now. Hearthstone is a free-to-play card game made for tablet gameplay, and I know I’m excited to finally be able to play it on my iPad (and not just my Mac). The best part? Your card collection and data is shared across all devices. That means that you can play on your Mac (or PC) and everything will be in sync with your iPad next time you play on the go. I don’t know about you, but I definitely see myself playing on my iPad more than my Mac, now. After all, I loved the Magic the Gathering port to iPad. Still, nothing beats playing with real cards. We’ll let you know as soon as it’s available in the U.S. App Store, and have our full review up in the next couple of days. In the meantime, have you played Hearthstone for iPad yet? How do you like it?

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