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It's Never A Dull Moment In Campus Beer Run 3D

It's Never A Dull Moment In Campus Beer Run 3D

April 11, 2014
Campus Beer Run 3D is a new game arriving on the App Store later this year. The universal game is being developed by Wutango Media. In Campus Beer Run 3D, the college kids are doing what they do best — keeping the neighborhood awake with their crazy antics. And then the campus police arrive. As PreApps notes:
As if running from the cops when you're hammered isn't a challenge enough as it is, some jerks have gone and riddled your path with all kinds of obstacles that are sure to get your blood boiling and your head spinning. Run and dodge around the empty beer barrels and beer cans littering the streets, bail over the beer pong tables and the drunks passed out beside them, and then do a world class Pete Rose beneath a party bus before you become the ultimate party foul smeared across the pavement.
Ready to have some college fun? Visit PreApps and find out how you can experience Campus Beer Run 3D before the party gets started for everyone else by becoming a beta tester. You can also go there to be notified when the game becomes available. [gallery columns="4"]