How to spend a $25 iTunes gift card for Aug. 22, 2014
This week’s list features a popular graphic novel, a few games, and titles for back to school.
Frax HD, $1.99, iPad app
Frax is one of those apps that is awesome, and yet difficult to describe.
Here’s what iTunes has to say about it:
Frax is an art program that puts the ‘equations of nature’ in the palm of your hand. Frax is powered by fractal geometry, the same principle that creates patterns of self-similarity in our natural world. From spiral galaxies to hurricanes, from tree limbs to branching blood vessels, the universe is filled with endless variation and staggering beauty. Frax visualizes this natural geometric code, so you can explore vast animating digital landscapes and make a masterpiece on your touchscreen.
The Ensign, $0.99, iPhone game
The pre-sequel to last year’s hit, A Dark Room, The Ensign is described by its creator as follows:
I really loved traversing the Dusty Path (more so than balancing an economy and upgrading gear). This prequel is a *brutally* difficult rendition of the Dusty Path that covers the events directly before A Dark Room. I wanted to make a strategy game that had high replay value, as opposed to a game about discovery. Best of luck to whoever attempts this game. I imagine few will succeed in completing all of it.
Understand that? I didn’t either, but I never understood A Dark Room until I started playing it. I expect more of the same from The Ensign.
Raincast, $0.99, iPhone app
Do we really need another weather app? Probably not, but Raincast might be worth your time nonetheless.
Unlike other weather apps, Raincast displays the chance of rain (or snow) directly on the home screen icon, lock screen, and notification center.
“Strange Embrace,” Graphic novel, $9.99
Available for purchase through the free Sequential app for iPad, David Hine’s “Strange Embrace” is considered by many to be the greatest horror graphic novel every produced. Originally published in 1993, this expanded edition features:
- audio commentary on each and every page
- a gallery of original covers
- the first panel breakdowns and dialog, synced with the pages they became
- an interview with comics historian Paul Gravett
- an academic piece, Visualizing the Fantastic in Strange Embrace – by Marcus Oppolzer
- the original Strange Embraces
“Animal Farm,” $5.99, E-book
This week, the iBookstore is highlighting books by George Orwell. “Animal Farm” is certainly one of his best — and creepiest.
Star Walk 2 – Guide to the Sky Day and Night, $2.99, Universal app, Offers in-app purchases
This sequel to the popular Star Walk app features a new interface design that promises both speed and simplicity. This new design is coupled with a new soundtrack for a more engaging experience. The new app also boasts new handcrafted artwork for constellations, inspired by minimalist low-poly art.
Freebies of the week
You can finally train your brain on your iPad, now that the freemium Elevate app has gone universal. Now featuring math games, the app is designed to improve focus, speaking skills, processing speed, memory, and more.
Finally, we have StudyBlue, the popular education app for the iPhone/iPod touch and iPad. Now featuring a brand new look and feel, the universal studying tool arrives just in time for the back to school season in the United States.
Another edition of “How to spend a $25 iTunes gift card” will be published next week. If you’d like your app or game featured on a future list, contact us on Twitter or through Facebook.