Send and receive files with Send Anywhere for a chance to win an iPhone 6
We’ve teamed up with ESTmob, our latest AppAdvice Daily podcast sponsor, in order to offer you a chance to win an iPhone 6 and other great prizes! All you have to do is download the developer’s free file transfer app, Send Anywhere, and send and receive a bunch of files. See the bottom of this post for additional details.
Send Anywhere offers the fastest and the easiest way to send multiple files across different devices and platforms.
You’re able to share and receive files with friends, family members, and coworkers either from your iDevice or your computer. No matter which option you choose, you won’t have to worry about signing up for yet another service or logging in.
Just download and launch the free app or go to, select your files, and record the six-digit key. Share the key with whoever you want to receive the files, and they can plug it into the app or their web browser to start downloading. The key will only remain active for 10 minutes for security purposes, but you can watch the transfer occur in real-time.
Send Anywhere doesn’t have a limit on the type or size of your files, so feel free to share anything and everything!
To have a chance at winning an iPhone 6 and other great prizes:
1) Download the Send Anywhere app or go to
2) Send any type of file to receive a six-digit code.
3) Record the code and post it under the comments section on Send Anywhere’s Facebook page.
4) If someone receives your file within 10 minutes, the sender and the receiver score one point.
5) The receiver must post the received file on their Facebook wall mentioning “Send Anywhere” and the six-digit code.
Who gets what?
1) Whoever sends the most (scores the most points) wins an iPhone 6.
2) Whoever receives the most files and posts them on Facebook wins an iPhone 6 and a $20 Amazon gift card.
3) The top five senders win a $20 Amazon gift card. The top six through 10 senders win a $10 Amazon gift card.
4) The top five receivers win a $25 Amazon gift card. The top six through 10 senders win a $15 Amazon gift card.