Our gift to you: AppAdvice for free
Without you, our loyal readers, our team of writers would have no one to share their passion of everything Apple with. So, as a way to say thanks for yet another wonderful year, we wanted to provide you with a convenient way to view all of our content while on the go free of charge. The only logical way to do that is to drop the price of our official AppAdvice app from $1.99 to free for a limited time, and that’s exactly what we’ve done.
The official AppAdvice app provides the best way to view all of our content while on the go. It’s far superior to the mobile Web version of AppAdvice.com. It provides you with quick and easy access to all of the very latest Apple and iOS app news. The app also includes dedicated pages for our constantly updated AppGuides and AppLists, price drop and sales lists, app and game reviews, and AppAdvice Daily appisodes.
Now, we know our app is long overdue for an update. But we want to get it right, so we’ve been spending countless hours ensuring everything is up to, not only ours, but your standards as well. You are all AppAdvice.com readers after all, which is an obvious indication of your discerning taste for apps and games. Expect to see a big and bold new update in the new year.
In the meantime, enjoy using the current version of the AppAdvice app and don’t forget to share it with friends and family. You have until New Year’s Day.