Is Submerged sunk? No, but it is delayed
If you have been getting anxious waiting for AppAdvice to provide an update on when the anticipated game Submerged would finally launch for mobile this year, then you will be waiting a while longer. There is more work required to bring the game to mobile devices with the quality and features it deserves.
The Uppercut Games communication regarding this delay was posted on DroidGamers and states:
Our time will be spent on designing a 3rd person control scheme that feels right for touch screens, and pushing the limits on mobile graphically, just as we did with the EPOCH games. This means that our fans looking to play Submerged on mobile will have to wait a bit longer. But we assure you that getting the PC and console games out first and the extra time in mobile development will make the mobile version better than we could otherwise offer you. We owe it to ourselves as developers and to you as gamers to push the limits and bring something of the highest quality to mobile instead of treating it like a lesser version of the PC or console. Mobile deserves quality too!
Game overview
For those unfamiliar with Submerged, it promises to bring mobile players beautiful outdoor scenes, a calm gaming experience, and the mysterious story of a flooded city into hidden object territory. You will cruise on your boat through the water-filled streets and hunt through the city in search of pieces to the puzzle which has become the world around you.
Check out this game trailer and just click here if you are unable to view it:
Still looking forward to the game
While the delay is disappointing, it is understandable. It will just allow those patiently awaiting the release more time to get excited. Be sure to check back with AppAdvice for news and updates on the mobile launch of Submerged.
If you are upset over the delay in this game’s release, maybe one offering an early launch will cheer you up. In the horror game genre, check out Early release: Five Nights at Freddy’s 4 arriving in August.