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Make some magic with photos set to music in MyMusaic

Make some magic with photos set to music in MyMusaic

iPlay Video
July 7, 2015

We all love to share photos, whether it is from a party, reunion, or casual get-together with friends. But, there is one thing that can make sharing those photos even better – music. Imagine your daughter’s favorite song playing to pictures from her graduation. Or, what about photos of you and your mom set to the theme song you share for her birthday gift? MyMusaic lets you do this in a slideshow-style video so that you can share it or just enjoy it yourself.

MyMusaic Create MovieCreate your video

MyMusaic provides an easy-to-use interface for getting your project started. First, just pick your photos from your device or Instagram. Then scroll down to add your music. Select a song from your device and even have it start playing at a specific point in the song, if you like. When you are done, click Preview to view your video and if you are happy with it, just click Save.

Share your creation

For each video you create, you can choose your privacy settings. Open it up to the public, only to your followers, or just those people you tag in it. You can immediately share your video via text message, email, Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. Or, you can just tuck it away to surprise someone later.

MyMusaic PhotosOther useful features

You can add a caption, tags, and location details to your videos, which makes them even more memorable. There is also a convenient Buy on iTunes button that takes you to the song you used in your video if you would like to purchase it. There is a section for setting up a shared album without music that just includes photos, which is handy for your friends and family to add their own pictures.

Things to keep in mind

The videos can take a few moments to process, so when previewing or saving your creation, just be patient. Additionally, in order to process your videos you will need to set up a free account with MyMusaic.

MyMusaic EventFinal thoughts

MyMusaic is super simple to use and has a great concept. It would be nice to have the ability to rearrange photos or edit the video later, but it will not keep me from using it.

MyMusaic is designed for iPhone and available for free on the App Store with no in-app purchases.

Here are some other recent articles from AppAdvice for music app lovers: Apple Music goes head to head with Rhapsody Premier and Music streaming face-off: Rdio, Spotify and Apple Music.

Mentioned apps

MYMUSAIC - Picture video maker for Instagram. Create slideshows with your pics & music.
MYMUSAIC - Picture video maker for Instagram. Create slideshows with your pics & music.

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