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Never miss a sale alert with ShopStyle on your wrist

Never miss a sale alert with ShopStyle on your wrist

Deals & Shopping
July 30, 2015

You browse, you shop, you buy – all with ShopStyle, an app that shows you millions of products from your favorite brands and designers. What if you could keep up with timely sales, search for new items, or see the hot trends right from your wrist before you spend too much at the mall? An update to the app today, July 30, means you finally can.

ShopStyle Watch MainOn the Apple Watch

ShopStyle now has Apple Watch support providing some awesome features. Search for items with voice dictation, check out sales on your favorites, and view sale alerts by just tapping. When you see an item that just blows you away, you can check out the brand, a brief description, and the price. Then, just mark it as a favorite, set a sale alert, or even click to open it on your iPhone or iPad to make the purchase.

ShopStyle Watch ItemAdditional features

ShopStyle’s recent update includes more than Apple Watch support. You can now look through more product pictures, see similar items, or browse through more options from the same brand or designer. The Home page has also received some improvements letting you see the greatest products from your list of chosen brands.

ShopStyle HomeTerrific update

Anytime a shopping app can pop up on the Apple Watch it is a great thing. Why miss a sale alert if you don’t have to? And, if you are on the train or standing in line for lunch, just check out some trends or search for that new pair of shoes while you wait. Why not?

ShopStyle is universal and available for free on the App Store.

In other news today, Amazon wants you to Dash to them instead of the store and take a look at The ultimate guide to your iPhone camera – Absolutely everything you need to know.

Mentioned apps

ShopStyle - Shopping Made Easy!
ShopStyle - Shopping Made Easy!

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