What’s your number? Don’t worry, Numerous has it
You have been getting your numbers from Numerous for over a year. You can see the percentage rate of a 30-year mortgage, how many days are remaining until a holiday, snow levels across the U.S., and countdowns to your special occasions. If you have been looking forward to even more options, then your patience has paid off today, July 30, with a great update.
Useful and fresh channels
If you like to look for new channels, especially for business, then this update might be just what you need. You can now get sales, customer, and lead counts from Salesforce and payments, revenue, and customers from Stripe. For more personal channels, track page likes and friends from Facebook or get your steps, distance, and points from Misfit. You can even check out the spot price of Bitcoin from Coinbase.
Enhancements and new features
Easily create your own numbers now by just clicking the plus icon at the top and then make your own color gradient backgrounds. Apple Watch wearers can like or comment using the force touch menu. There are also plenty of news stories, improvements to the interface and Today widget, instant syncing between devices, and faster searching capabilities.
Nice app to have
The purpose of Numerous is obvious and it is just plain interesting. Seeing various numbers like the phase of the moon or how many Apple Watch apps exist is just cool. Then when you add in being able to create custom numbers for birthdays or anniversaries, it really makes the app useful. With the additional channels today for business users, the app has even more to offer and becomes a great overall tool.
Numerous is universal and available for free on the App Store with no in-app purchases.