Hit or Miss? helps you make a fashion statement
Are you looking for a hot, new fashion style? Do you enjoy browsing through fresh looks and collections? Hit or Miss? Fashion Tailored by Your Touch lets you create your collections with new ideas each day. So, get inspired, change things up, and find a look that makes you feel confident, bold, or even sassy.
What is Hit or Miss?
Hit or Miss? shows you new collections of fashions each day. From shoes and boots to leather and lace to accessories and jewelry, you are sure to discover a style all your own. As you browse through items in the collections, just tap what you like (hit) and dismiss what you don’t (miss). Save items, get more details, and make purchases right from within the app.
Your profile
After compiling several hits and misses, you can view your top brands, stores, and collections. The more hits and misses you tag, the more tailored your profile will become. You can also share products easily on Facebook, Twitter, or other sharing avenues to help your friends with their look too.
Overall thoughts
The app is good way to discover different ideas and cool new products if you want to change your style or just need something fresh in your wardrobe. There is a handy Today widget showing the last published collection for a quick glance. Hit or Miss? makes browsing through fashion collections easy.
Hit or Miss? Fashion Tailored by Your Touch is universal and available for free on the App Store.
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