It’s time for a clean Sweep of those unneeded photos
How many photos do you have in your camera roll that you do not need? Screen shots and duplicate pictures add up over time to take up space on your device. The problem is, you don’t have the time to go through your photos and get rid of those that you no longer need. If this sounds like you, then the new app Sweep might be just the tool you need to clean up those unwanted pictures.
How Sweep works
When you open Sweep, the app will immediately show you those screen shots, duplicate pictures, and burst photos that exist in your camera roll. You can then select to delete them with a tap. Screen shots and bursts can each be deleted in bulk, making getting rid of those unnecessary photos as easy as it was taking them. Duplicates need to be selected individually to make sure you keep the ones you want.
Extra features
After you have chosen the photos to delete, you will see a nice pop-up displaying how much space you freed up. You can also see the total amount of space you saved in your settings, which is handy. In addition, you can set up notifications so that each week you can get back your much needed space by getting rid of photos regularly.
Time-saving tool
Sweep is a convenient app to have if you just don’t have the time to clean up your photos manually. When you take as many screen shots on your device as I do, a tool like Sweep can be a real time-saver. There are two things to keep in mind with this app. First, in order to have the feature for deleting duplicates, you will have to share the app with a friend. Your friend does not have to download it; you just need to share it with them from within the app. Second, be careful with the duplicates displayed. They may not be exact duplicates, plus you probably want to save at least one of them. This is why the individual deletion of duplicates is a good idea.
Sweep is universal and available for free on the App Store with no in-app purchases. So, check it out and see how much space you can free up.
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