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Find your perfect political match with Voter

The World Around You
September 14, 2015

A match made in heaven – you and your political candidate. Who is it? A new app called Voter helps you to figure this out as you vote for issues you are for and against until that perfect match is made.

How Voter works

After opening the app, you will be presented with several current political issues in the form of cards. You then just swipe the card to the right to vote “yes” or to the left to vote “no.” Once you have answered the questions, you will see which candidates and political party most closely match your interests.

Questions and candidates

Before answering the questions, you can tap the cards for more information on the topic. You can then see what supporters and opponents have to say, add a comment, and even skip the question if necessary. Once you receive your results, you can take a look at more details about those matching candidates. See their position on issues, look at contributors, and check out a biography. You can also choose to review the party you were matched with.

Overall thoughts

Voter is an interesting way to see where you best fit when it comes to the 2016 presidential candidates. Check it out and see if you match up with who you expected. Coming soon will be voting information for your local area, which will be a great addition to the app.

Voter is available for free with no in-app purchases on the App Store for iPhone.

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Mentioned apps

Voter - Matchmaking for Politics
Voter, LLC

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