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Skeptical about meditation? It could make you 10% Happier

Skeptical about meditation? It could make you 10% Happier

Connected Fitness
September 14, 2015

Maybe you have thought about giving meditation a try or perhaps someone has suggested it to you. But, you are leery and think “can this help me, really?” Meditation is not considered a cure-all for everything that is ailing you, but it does have its advantages as most who benefit from it will tell you. Using the app 10% Happier: Meditation for Skeptics, you can learn what meditation can do for you.

About the app

Meditation teacher Joseph Goldstein and once-skeptical newsman Dan Harris have joined forces to teach you the essentials of meditation. This two-week course will guide you through the steps of mindfulness with daily video sessions and guided audio meditation practices. You will also have access to a personal coach who will assist you in following through with the course.

10 Percent Happier10% Happier details

After downloading the app, you will receive the first three days of the course at no charge. If you would like to continue with the full two weeks of sessions, the in-app purchase is $19.99. In order to get assistance from your personal coach, just enter your phone number so that you can receive their text messages.

10 Percent HappierInteresting app

I am one of those people I already described, wondering if or how meditation can really help me. But, there is only one way to find out, right? With three days of free assistance from 10% Happier, I am willing to give it a try. Is it time for you to do the same?

10% Happier: Meditation for Skeptics is designed for iPhone and available for free on the App Store. As mentioned, there is an in-app purchase of $19.99 for the full two-week course.

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Mentioned apps

10% Happier: Meditation for Skeptics
10% Happier: Meditation for Skeptics
Change Collective

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