Spread happiness and cheer in real ways with BeHppy
You know those Facebook hoaxes that say every time you share this particular post or like it, a charity will get a dollar? I usually just shrug those off, but someone has actually decided to make that idea a reality. BeHppy, an app that encourages nothing but happy thoughts, has just been updated with a new way to spread happiness even further.
Earning Hppy Coins
The idea behind BeHppy is that you share your favorite happy thoughts by way of inspirational quotes or pictures. These pictures or whatever else you post go into the Hppy Cloud, where they are anonymously shared with other users. When someone smiles at your post or replies to it, you get what are called Hppy Coins.
Tracking your Hppiness
The app lets you track the impact your posts have had through the Echoes dashboard. Here, you are able to see how others have interacted with your posts, and get a cheer from knowing that you’ve helped brighten other people’s days. Everything is anonymous, of course, so you don’t have to feel self-conscious about your pictures and quotes being out there for everyone to see.
Donating to charity
When you earn 100 Hppy Coins, you can trade those in for a donation to charity and a badget. You trade in 100 Hppy Coins for a $1 donation, which right now is going to Dreaming Zebra Foundation, a charitable organization that helps provide musical and art supplies to children in need. More charities will be added in the future, the developers say, along with additional sponsors. Currently, the charitable donations are being sponsored by SF Tourism Tips.
Getting Hppy
BeHppy is available now for free on the App Store, and the app doesn’t use any ads or in-app purchases. It is designed for the iPhone and iPod touch, but also works on iPads.