Do you learn something new every day? With Know Fast you can
Lifelong learning is essential, whether it is big topics or small chunks of material. Regardless of your age it is not only good to keep training your brain, but it can also be quite fun to learn a little nugget of information that you did not know before. With an easy way to learn something new each day comes Know Fast which teaches you things in a fresh way.
How Know Fast works
Almost everyone can spare just a few minutes each day to watch a short video. And, that is how Know Fast works. Every day you will be notified that your video is ready. So, pick a category, watch your video, and learn something you did not know yesterday.
App details
Categories range from history to cooking to sports and more, so there is something for every taste. Once you finish watching your daily video, you can watch it again if you like or share it with others. You can also share a comment about the video which is nice if you really learned something unique. If you connect your Facebook or Twitter account, you can check out videos that your friends have watched as well.
Fast and easy
Just as the app’s name suggests, you can Know Fast. The videos are brief, so there is no hour-long commitment. Today I watched a cooking video from Gordon Ramsay which contained some useful kitchen tips. I can honestly say that I learned something and will continue to check out my daily video. How about you?
Know Fast is compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. It is available on the App Store for free which makes it all the better and definitely worth a look, plus there are no in-app purchases.
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