Quickly request help in an emergency with BlueLight
BlueLight is an app that lets you request assistance in an emergency as well as notify loved ones you are on your way home or if you need help. In a recent update, the app incorporated Apple Watch support making it an even more valuable tool to keep you feeling safer when you leave the house.
Staying safeBlueLight has handy features that can not only keep you safer, but make you feel safer too:
- The On My Way feature lets you notify contacts you choose when you are coming home or heading out. Your family or friends will receive your location as you travel. They will get a text message with a map and be notified when you arrive safely.
- The Request Help feature lets you quickly contact authorities in an emergency. Your request will be sent to the nearest emergency services whether it is college campus security or the local law enforcement agency.
- The Apple Watch complication makes it even easier to get help when you need it or use the On My Way feature.
- Save up to 20 places you travel to often, add emergency contacts for when you Request Help, and get quick access when needed with the Today Widget.
BlueLight is currently supported in the United States, with Hawaii and Alaska coming soon. The app is free to download and includes a 30-day trial. If you like the service, you can subscribe for $19.99 per year. There is also a discount for those with an .edu email address bringing the price to $4.99.
You can’t put a price tag on your safety and with the free trial, you can see if BlueLight is for you. Check it out on the App Store for your iPhone and Apple Watch. And for other news, take a look at Aipoly Vision is an amazing app for visually impaired iOS users or When you don’t need a full forecast, just get a SnowCast.