Today’s Apps Gone Free: Musemage, Eighty-Eight, Shark Puzzles and More
Audible provides access to an unmatched collection of audio books. You’re able to listen to best sellers like The Martian, Harry Potter, and The Girl on the Train during your commute, working out at the gym, or wherever you are. Audio books can be downloaded to your device for offline listening, or you can stream content over your carrier’s network or Wi-Fi. Audio books can be navigated by chapter, bookmarked, and synced between devices. You’re also able to create clips and share them with friends.
Audible – audio books, original series & podcasts is available for free today only (03/27). It has a 4-star rating with a total of 101977 ratings.
You’re presented with numbered blocks that must be dropped into the grid below. A block is scored and removed only when its number equals the number of contiguous blocks in the same row or column. This allows you to strategically place blocks to create chain reactions and score big points. Just don’t let the blocks reach the top of the grid or it’s game over. The game includes two modes, stat tracking, and achievements and leaderboards via Game Center.
Eighty-Eight is available for free for a limited time. It has a 4.5-star rating with a total of 182 ratings.
You won’t be able to resist the wonder of this jigsaw puzzle game. Each of the 44 jigsaw puzzles features a breathtaking shark photo to reconstruct. The jigsaw puzzles can be broken up into as few as four pieces and as many as 24. You’re also able to choose whether or not you want a colored background and outline hints. What more could you ask for?
Shark Puzzles for Kids Jigsaw Wonder Collection is available for free for a limited time. It has a 5-star rating with a total of 6 ratings.
Lost your Fitbit or just worried you might lose it someday? Fitbit Finder is here to assist. Simply launch the app and it will automatically discover any Fitbit units nearby. As you move around, the app will indicate how close you are via cold and hot colors. When you’re about two to four feet away, the indicator will display a fiery red. It’s basically a game of cold and hot.
Find My Fitbit – Fitbit Finder For Lost Fitbits is available for free for a limited time. It has a 4-star rating with a total of 135 ratings.
Musemage is the ultimate all-in-one camera app. What sets it apart from every other app is its slick user interface and real-time effects. Every shooting mode, every photo adjustment, and every effect can be accessed by swiping across wheels. This makes it remarkably easy to fiddle with the seven shooting modes, 33 lens filters and special effects, and 44 color filters. The app also offers a variety of editing options like the ability to stitch together video clips, cut out unwanted moments, attach music, and add watermarks.
Musemage – Professional Video Camera and Editor is available for free for a limited time. It has a 4-star rating with a total of 57 ratings.
If you are a developer who would like to get your app included in our “Apps Gone Free” daily lists, here’s our basic set of rules:
- It must have at least a three-star average rating at the time it goes free.
- The app must not have been free numerous times (3+) over the last six months.
- The free version of your app must not include ads.
To submit an app, simply send a request to tyler@appadvice.com with the subject “Apps Gone Free.” Please include the name of the app, a link to it in the App Store, when and for how long you intend to offer the app for free, and anything else you would like to share. We will take it from there.