AppGuide Updated: PDF Readers For iPad
Using the iPad in business or education means needing to access your PDF files. The apps here will give you the best choices for reading PDFs on your favorite tablet.
Using the iPad in business or education means needing to access your PDF files. The apps here will give you the best choices for reading PDFs on your favorite tablet.
The built-in video camera app on the iPhone and iPod touch are great. There are some benefits other apps can provide. This AppGuide will focus on showcasing the best apps for capturing video on the iPhone or iPod touch.
This AppGuide will help you find an activity logger that can track your running, hiking, skiing, biking etc. and give you real time results on how you are doing.
With the following secret-keeping apps for iPhone and iPad, you can keep your confidential information safe and accessible.
Keeping up with passwords on your iPad can be a challenge. How do you keep your passwords in sync between all of your devices? This AppGuide will help you pick out the best password manager app for you.
With these apps, you can wake up feeling as refreshed as you do on weekends.
As a coach, your clipboard is usually a mess of plays, lineups, attendance and more. Now with your iPad and the apps in this AppGuide, you can do all you coaching from your favorite tablet.
GPS navigation apps have been a wonderful way to navigate using an iPhone. Currently the iPad 3G is the only model of the iPad to have a GPS chip. The GPS chip inside the 3G iPad is simply fantastic. The tracking on the chip is very fast and accurate. This guide will help you choose the best iPad native GPS navigation app for you.
Wondering which bar the iPhone might be in next? How many cameras the iPhone 6 might have? Whatever the case, if it's Apple related, we want more of it right? Right. So here are my picks for all the good, bad and ugly ways to stalk, I mean, "keep up with" our dearly beloved Apple.
Using your iPhone or iPad is a great way to help you see those objects in the sky you always wished you could. Whether you are using a high-powered telescope or just scanning the sky with your eyes, these apps will help you search for anything from the Moon to Jupiter and from the Andromeda galaxy to the Eagle nebulae. This handy guide will help you determine which apps will be most helpful to you.
The iPhone does a great job at syncing with iTunes. Syncing music and movies is a logical thing to do. The problem with syncing podcasts is that new podcasts come out daily and even hourly! It is a real pain to sync your iPhone multiple times a day just to stay up to date with your favorite podcasts. There are some fantastic apps that can help you listen, download, and sync your favorite podcasts right on your iPhone. As always, let us know if we forgot your favorite one!
Let's face it: many people who go to the gym are not sure how to get the most out of their workouts. This AppGuide will give you apps that suggest workout plans, describe the exercises, graph of your progress, and more.
Hikers may want to bring along their iPhone for the next big adventure into the wilderness. There are some fantastic hiking apps and many of them can be used offline. You may want to invest in a waterproof iPhone case if you are a frequent hiker. We compare the best hiking apps in this AppGuide.
Nobody likes chores, and with so many things to do throughout the day, it can be quite easy to forget something and become backlogged later. Luckily the apps here will save you from that type of inconvenience, giving you the best chore management apps that the App Store has to offer.
For everything from checking tempos in rehearsal to practicing a tough lick, a reliable metronome is a must for any musician. Since you are likely to always have your iPhone with you, wouldn’t it be great if you could save space in your bag and leave your metronome at home? With one of the following metronome apps, you can lighten your load and still prepare for your upcoming gig.