Sneak Peaks & Exclusives
Got an Unreleased Application that Needs Special Attention?
Are you a developer that has been laboring in secret but is now ready to announce your application to the iPhone community? AppAdvice can help you make the big splash to get those deserved day one app downloads.
AppAdvice works closely with developers to make sure their app is covered the way they choose. We will coordinate a publication of a detailed review and/or video at a scheduled time and date that you choose. We can embargo the publication until the second your app goes live in the App Store or post a coming soon story to help create a prolonged marketing buzz.
Not only will this give your application much needed exposure, but will frequently also yield incredibly valuable feedback as to the strengths and weaknesses of an application resulting in actionable information that a developer can use to make their applications even better.
Sneak Peaks
If you want to break news about a new, unreleased application we can deliver the high quality writing you need authored and edited by true iPhone experts who are among the most knowledgeable and respected authors anywhere on this topic.
Or if you’re a PR professional and wish to provide your clients with sustained high quality exposure, please consider sending us your unreleased press announcements ahead of general circulation. We can promise you extended front page exposure (some sites will only have your story on the front page for an hour or even less!) as well as a guaranteed publish time and date.
Please send sneak peaks to
Exclusives of upcoming apps have the best chance of being reviewed on Exclusives are also prime candidates for inclusion into an Appisode on AppAdvice Daily and are assured to be considered for App of the Day status upon release.
If you want to have the most comprehensive, focused coverage delivered to the audience that is hungriest for iPhone applications, is where you want your story told first. Please contact us at and put “Exclusive” in the subject line to get our immediate attention.
Are you a developer that has been laboring in secret but is now ready to announce your application to the iPhone community? AppAdvice can help you make the big splash to get those deserved day one app downloads.
AppAdvice works closely with developers to make sure their app is covered the way they choose. We will coordinate a publication of a detailed review and/or video at a scheduled time and date that you choose. We can embargo the publication until the second your app goes live in the App Store or post a coming soon story to help create a prolonged marketing buzz.
Not only will this give your application much needed exposure, but will frequently also yield incredibly valuable feedback as to the strengths and weaknesses of an application resulting in actionable information that a developer can use to make their applications even better.
Sneak Peaks
If you want to break news about a new, unreleased application we can deliver the high quality writing you need authored and edited by true iPhone experts who are among the most knowledgeable and respected authors anywhere on this topic.
Or if you’re a PR professional and wish to provide your clients with sustained high quality exposure, please consider sending us your unreleased press announcements ahead of general circulation. We can promise you extended front page exposure (some sites will only have your story on the front page for an hour or even less!) as well as a guaranteed publish time and date.
Please send sneak peaks to
Exclusives of upcoming apps have the best chance of being reviewed on Exclusives are also prime candidates for inclusion into an Appisode on AppAdvice Daily and are assured to be considered for App of the Day status upon release.
If you want to have the most comprehensive, focused coverage delivered to the audience that is hungriest for iPhone applications, is where you want your story told first. Please contact us at and put “Exclusive” in the subject line to get our immediate attention.