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Apps That
Went Free on

Manage tasks, track your favorite shows and movies, and keep perspective with today’s collection of apps and games.

Daily Routine Planner - DayMap
Daily Routine Planner - DayMap

Daily Routine Planner - DayMap

Jayeshbhai Kavathiya

Manage all your tasks and todo lists in one place with Daily Routine Planner - DayMap. TODAY ONLY: Get the lifetime version for free! Download the app, complete the onboarding, and select the lifetime $0.00 option to redeem.


FREE ($99.99) For a limited time FREE ($99.99) For a limited time
Why we picked this?

Daily Routine Planner - DayMap provides a delightful way of planning your day. Maintain a to-do list and rank tasks from most to least important for an efficient day. You can also track habits to control and keep up with your routines.

You have a lot going on.

You already have a go-to task manager.

Daily Stoic Path
Daily Stoic Path

Daily Stoic Path

Ismel padron

Find inner peace with Daily Stoic Path. TODAY ONLY: Get the lifetime version for free! Download the app, tap Pro, and select the lifetime $0.00 option to redeem.

Anyone feeling a little lost.

FREE ($17.99) For a limited time FREE ($17.99) For a limited time
Why we picked this?

Daily Stoic Path will help you find your path to inner peace in a world of constant noise. By implementing new practices you’ll be well on your way to a new you.

You want to find purpose.

You’re happy with your current level of wisdomness.

Step Challenge - Explora
Step Challenge - Explora

Step Challenge - Explora

Explora (Apps)

Turn walking into a game with Explora. TODAY ONLY: Get the premium lifetime version (normally $59.99) for free! Download the app, complete the onboarding, and tap “Upgrade for $0.00” to claim your free lifetime VIP access.

The whole family.

FREE ($59.99) For a limited time FREE ($59.99) For a limited time
Why we picked this?

Explora changes the way we see exercise and gamifies it. The app will help you set a personalized step count according to your lifestyle and goals. Your step count can be increased or decreased as needed. As you walk you’ll collect XP points, climb leagues, and unlock characters. Explora offers monthly challenges to keep you motivated and on track.

You lack motivation but want to get fit.

You already have an established fitness routine.

hashcloud - Data Cloud Storage
hashcloud - Data Cloud Storage

hashcloud - Data Cloud Storage

Miosga Software UG (haftungsbeschraenkt)

Share files easily and securely with HashCloud Drive: Cloud Storage. TODAY ONLY: Get a six-month trial for free! Download the app, complete the onboarding, and select the monthly option to redeem. ***Please make sure to cancel the subscription before the trial is up in order to avoid being charged.***

Those who share a lot of files.

FREE ($29.99) For a limited time FREE ($29.99) For a limited time
Why we picked this?

HashCloud Drive: Cloud Storage is the ultimate file sharing cloud storage service for all your projects. Simply come up with a new hashtag and share it with others so they can access, upload, and download files. It’s a great way to manage, store, and exchange files safely and securely with family, friends, and coworkers.

You’re low on cloud storage and don’t want to spend a lot of money upgrading.

You prefer using iCloud storage and don’t want to deal with other companies handling your data.

one year: countdown widget
one year: countdown widget

one year: countdown widget

Wind Down Studio, LLC

Keep perspective and track your time with Countdown Widget: One Year. TODAY ONLY: Get the lifetime version (normally $14.99) for free! Download the app, complete the onboarding, tap trial ends in 3 days, and select the lifetime $0.00 option to redeem.

Anyone looking to seize the day.

FREE ($8.99) For a limited time FREE ($8.99) For a limited time
Why we picked this?

Countdown Widget: One Year is a simple year visualizer that helps you keep perspective. The app is a beautiful way to track your time and make the most of each and every day.

You want to slow down and smell the roses.

You’re fine with how you fill your time.

Track Shows & Movies - Showly
Track Shows & Movies - Showly

Track Shows & Movies - Showly

Michal Drabik

Track and manage your favorite shows and movies with Track Shows & Movies - Showly. TODAY ONLY: Get the lifetime version for free! Download the app, complete the onboarding, and select the lifetime $0.00 option to redeem.

Movie and TV lovers.

FREE ($14.99) For a limited time FREE ($14.99) For a limited time
Why we picked this?

Track Shows & Movies - Showly makes it easy to find where to watch your favorite TV shows and movies. Build your watchlist, stay updated on new episodes, and never miss what’s trending.

You love watching shows and movies.

You rarely sit down and watch TV series or movies.

Rubiks Cube Solver AI - SolveQ
Rubiks Cube Solver AI - SolveQ

Rubiks Cube Solver AI - SolveQ

Padamchand Sancheti

Master the Rubik’s Cube with Rubiks Cube Solver AI. TODAY ONLY: Get the lifetime version for free! Download the app, complete the onboarding, select the Get SolveQ Pro option after completing a puzzle, and select the lifetime ($19.99) option to redeem. You should not see a price upon check out.

Fans of the classic Rubik’s Cube.

FREE ($29.99) For a limited time FREE ($29.99) For a limited time
Why we picked this?

Rubiks Cube Solver AI is an easier and smarter way to solve, learn, and master the Rubik’s Cube. Simply scan your cube, and the AI will generate step-by-step instructions to solve it.

You have free time on your hands.

You don’t have a Rubik’s Cube laying around.