of the
May 2017
There are a boatload of apps published each month. Some of them are great and some are just okay. The vast majority of them, though, are just plain horrible, unfortunately. We've brought together the best apps released during May 2017, so take a look and download your favorites.
Gaia GPS
Setting a new standard for outdoor apps
Gaia GPS has been wholly reinvented in this latest version, bringing all of the features that have made the app so successful in the past few years. It offers downloadable topographic, satellite, and road maps, perfect for those trips off the beaten path. The interface has been carefully thought out to make navigating the back country easier than ever. You can even record tracks, way points, and other crucial data for finding your way through the woods.
Google Assistant
Look Google, no hands!
Even though it's not yet perfect, Google Assistant is one of the best apps of the week simply because of the power it gives you. In many ways, Google Assistant has already overtaken Siri in usefulness, and the app is going to keep getting better. The only real drawbacks this week are actions that don't work quite the way they should, and the fact that you can't replace Siri with Google Assistant. You can come awful close to that replacement, though.
Sky Guide
The augmented reality app for viewing the night sky
When learning about the stars and planets, you need an app that really guides you through the cosmos. With the help of ARKit, that's exactly what this one does.
Halide Mark II
A New Generation of Professional Photography
One of the best third-party camera apps available, Halide, is making a big step up with the arrival of Halide Mark II. The completely new app features a redesigned interface and many new additions.
Things 3 for iPad
The award-winning task manager, reimagined
Collect your thoughts with Things' share extensions, and then organize them in the app itself. If you have Things 3 on your iPhone, the iPad app is the perfect accompaniment. You can collect actions and tasks from your iPhone, then use the bigger screen and nicer layout of the iPad app to reorganize. Our only beef is that you have to buy the app twice.
Natural Atlas
The ultimate GPS for outdoors adventures
Natural Atlas provides you with all of the information you need for any outdoors adventure. It offers a topographical map, provides hints for great hikes, and has a database of thousands of campgrounds and national and state parks. You can also access essential guidebooks to purchase for even more information. Natural Atlas is just what you need on your iPhone when you're planning and playing in the great outdoors.
Adobe Scan
Go from paper to digital in lightning speed
This free app turns your iOS device into a powerful, portable scanner with text recognition. Turn receipts, notes, and more into an Adobe PDF file quickly and easily.